Anarchism 1914-18: Internationalism, Militarism and War

The panel is being run as part of the Politics, Citizenship and Nations Network at the European Social Science History Conference, Vienna April 2014
Mittwoch, 23. April 2014 bis Samstag, 26. April 2014
Montag, 1. April 2013

In the centenary year of the outbreak of the First World War, the aims of the panel are to re-examine anarchist responses to the war, conceptions of militarism, pacifism and non-violence and the impact of the war on anarchist movements in and outside Europe. Papers which discuss the activities of anti-war activists (particularly transnational), the treatment of conscientious objectors, the experiences of anarchists caught up in the conflict and the impact of the war on the anarchist movements (at local, regional national and international levels) are welcome. Also welcome are proposals which reflect on the theoretical roots of the divisions that emerged in the anarchist movement in 1914 and the tensions between anarchists on the issue of war. Papers which focus the development or deployment of resistance strategies, on the re-conceptualisation of revolutionary strategy and/or on questions about the war as a point of transition for anarchists, particularly in the light of the centralising tendencies of the war and the geo-political changes that followed in its aftermath, are equally encouraged. Papers might consider the political, social, cultural and/or intellectual dimensions of these questions.

Information about the conference is accessible at

If you would like to submit a proposal, please send an abstract to Ruth Kinna ( by Monday 1 April.



Ruth Kinna

Department of Politics, History and International Relations

Loughborough University

LE11 3TU


+44 (0)1509 223651